lundi 9 février 2009

Ringo, John, Paul and George

Travail en cours sur mes Beatles, ça avance "tranquille"
Work in progress, it's going "quietly"
Par ailleurs, j'ai fini Delon et bebel.
I have also finished Delon and Bebel.

5 commentaires:

  1. et c'est tranquillement que tu continues a m'enerver......c'est magnifique.....mais c'est tout! )

  2. Fantastic job i like the yellow tonality gives it a 60s style.

  3. Fantastic work, love the colors scheme, you are getting better everytime, congratulations Jean!
    Also love your Black Sabbath caricature.

  4. Fantastic use of color . . .. really cool!

  5. Merci Francois : je fais rien qu'à t'enerver, et je vais continuer !
    Thanks Jason : it's always good to have your opinion.
    And thanks to my Portuguese friends. Obrigado ! Hey : if you decide to organize a miniCon in Portugal, I COME !!! I'm tired of cold and snow, and I'd love to go again in your country.
