Et ça fait comme un manque.
samedi 28 novembre 2009
vendredi 27 novembre 2009
Robert Ryan
Je suis moi même très étonné de l'air maigrelet qu'il a dans ce film, tourné en 1969, seulement deux ans après "les douze salopards", où il apparait en bien meilleure forme. Peut-être, déjà, les effets de la maladie qui l'a emporté en 1973 ?
jeudi 26 novembre 2009
Catherine Ringer
lundi 23 novembre 2009
Black Eyed Peas #3
You certainly notice that one member is not drawin yet...
David Bowie
Donc en boxeur un peu ridicule (voir pochette de l'album).
En hommage à Ray Leonard et Ray Robinson, il a un surnom tout trouvé : sucrette !
Caricature sketch of David Bowie, period "Let's dance" .
Caricature sketch of David Bowie, period "Let's dance" .
So as a boxer, a bit ridiculous (see album cover).
Black Eyed Peas #2

et une nouvelle version de Taboo.
Black Eyed Peas, continued with (Allen Pineda),
and a new version of Taboo.
vendredi 20 novembre 2009
Black Eyed Peas #1
jeudi 19 novembre 2009
mardi 10 novembre 2009
Will Smith

... in the "Wild West". A quick sketch made early this morning. I prefer the original TV series than this remake, but hey, it's been a while since I wanted to sketch Will Smith, and as I am in my "western" period , I made two things at once ...
Jack Palance

Ca m'aide pas.
Ooh, what a struggle with his head ! It's terrible : I grew up with Luck Luke and Phil Defer (great cartoon made by Morris) and Patrick Maté seems able to draw Jack Palance from any angle, eyes closed.
It doesn't help me.
jeudi 5 novembre 2009
Ernest Borgnine
Back to "Westerns ", with a piece of Wild Bunch : Ernest Borgnine.
mercredi 4 novembre 2009
mardi 3 novembre 2009
Lino Ventura & Robert Dalban

For the fun, a little scene of "Tonton Flingueurs". (I actually started by Robert Dalban, which I was asked for... then leads to another) I don't know if I'm going to stop this drawing at this point, or to continue, or ...
Billy Idol

Qui est loin d'être un tocard.
A small sketch (HB pencil on A4 laser copy perforated 80g/m2) made this morning of cute punk platinum blond.
Who is far from being trashy.
Hugh Laurie

A small sketch of the famous Dr. House, made yesterday with HB pencil on an A4 sheet (copy - 80g / m2)
lundi 2 novembre 2009
Festival d'Orléans

Il y aura pas mal de bons dessinateurs.
Affiche réalisée par l'invité donneur, pardon d'honneur : Iturria.
Consultez le site pour avoir le programme du ouikende :
et viendez nombreux.
Like last year (2008, for the record) I'm going to the Festival of cartoons of Orleans Saint-Marceau, which took place on 14 and 15 November. There will be a lot of good designers. Poster made by the guest of Honor: Iturria.
Check the website for the program ouikende:
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